Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Living Sacrifice (part3)

Rom 12:1 Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship.

Yes, more on this verse. In this verse, Paul urges you. This verse was written as a letter to all Christians in Rome. You see 2000 years ago, it was just as it is today to do simple things. It is amazing to think that human kind still fails to do simple things that please God. Humanity including Christians pretty much had the same problems we deal with today. Of course the distractions they had then weren't as prevalent as they are today. Regardless of the technological advances God has allowed us, we are still the same creatures we were back then, with the same minds that often lead us to make poor decisions. You would think we would have learned from the hundreds of generations that came before us.

We haven't learned because we don't listen. We don't listen to God our Father and we certainly don't like to listen to our mothers and fathers. Face it,we don't need sound advice and we all know more than everyone else. It is said that mistakes are the best way to learn a good lesson. We are really good at this. In God's eyes, we make mistakes every single day. He still forgives us.

What can you do for God? Present your living sacrifice. Let's look at it a little differently. Think of the pagans, they would bring a live animal to the altar to offer it to what ever god they are worshiping at the time. It is gruesome to think about. Once the animal has been sacrificed, the sacrifice is over; it is temporary. When we bring your bodies to the altar for sacrifice, we give our living bodies to God. It is not a one time shot, it is a continual arrangement.

Follow Paul's "urging" and get off the couch.

Am: Ride 20

Pull up 16K 7x4 (held the KB on the foot instead of strap.)
TGU 24K 1 x 5/5
Snatch 16K 1 x 100 (25l, 25r, 25l, 25r)No rest between hand switching. KB didn't hit the deck.
Ride 15

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