Thursday, July 29, 2010

Up in the Morning before the sun; R+4

Something had to change. While sleeping in (until 0800) is great, daylight is burning. I have some events upcoming and I've pretty much been de-conditioning. Not a good way to prepare for 24 -36 hour bicycle rides.

This morning I was up at 0500 (SUCK) and on the bike at 0530 to meet a riding buddy for a ride before he had to work. This works great for me. I had 40 miles on the bicycle before 0800. We rode down by the Virginia Beach ocean front and watched the surfers for a few minutes before heading back. Surfing looks like a relaxing sport. I just can't see spending $800 for a board. I'd rather buy some new bicycle things or some training sessions like the upcoming seminar for RKC instructors with Pavel and Coach Dan John.

Here are some options for the rest of the day:
1. More bike riding. -- not likely, I'll save it for tomorrow.
2. Kettlebell training -- probably this afternoon.
3. Work on grad school assignment. -- Not optional, I will spend a few hours
5. Golf. Perhaps a bucket of balls at the range? No not today.
6. Nap or 2 On the Couch. Yes, I think I will!
7. Play with the kids. ALL day. This is the best option.

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